OushuDB 提供如下的命令行工具,所有的 OushuDB 命令行都具有帮助文档,请运行下面命令得到详细帮助:
command-name --help
Analyze a database incrementally. ‘Incremental’ means if a table or partition has not been modified byDML or DDL commands since the last analyzedb run, it will be automatically skipped since its statisticsmust be up to date. Some restrictions apply:
The incremental semantics only applies to append-only tables or partitions.
Views, indices and external tables are automatically skipped.
Table names or schema names containing comma or period is not supported yet.
Creates a database.
Creates a new role.
Removes a database.
Removes a role.
gpfdist is the OushuDB parallel file distribution program. It is used by readable external tables and gpload to serve external table files to all OushuDB segments in parallel. It is used by writable external tables to accept output streams from OushuDB segments in parallel and write them out to a file.
Searches through OushuDB log files for specified entries.
usage: oushudb <command> [<object>] [options]
The most commonly used OushuDB "commands" are:
start Start OushuDB service.
stop Stop OushuDB service.
init Init OushuDB service.
restart Restart OushuDB service.
version Show OushuDB version information.
config Set OushuDB GUC values.
state Show OushuDB cluster status.
filespace Create OushuDB filespaces.
extract Extract table's metadata into a YAML formatted file.
load Load data into OushuDB.
scp Copies files between multiple hosts at once.
ssh Provides ssh access to multiple hosts at once.
ssh-exkeys Exchanges SSH public keys between hosts.
check Verifies and validates OushuDB settings.
checkperf Verifies the baseline hardware performance of hosts.
register Register parquet files generated by other system into the corrsponding table in OushuDB
reload Reload GUC values without restarting OushuDB cluster.
backup Backup OushuDB metadata and user data.
restore Restore OushuDB metadata and user data.
import Import metadata increment into OushuDB.
See 'oushudb <command> help' for more information on a specific command.
pg_dump dumps a database as a text file or to other formats.
pg_dumpall extracts a PostgreSQL database cluster into an SQL script file.
pg_restore restores a PostgreSQL database from an archive created by pg_dump.
The PostgreSQL interactive terminal