# pg_user_mappings The `pg_user_mappings` view provides access to information about user mappings. This view is essentially a public-readble view of the `pg_user_mapping` system catalog table that omits the options field if the user does not have access rights to view it. | column | type | references | description | | :-------------- | :------- | :--------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | |`umid`| oid| pg_user_mapping.oid| OID of the user mapping. |`srvid `|oid |pg_foreign_server.oid| OID of the foreign server that contains this mapping. |`srvname`| text| pg_foreign_server.srvname| Name of the foreign server. |`umuser`| oid |pg_authid.oid |OID of the local role being mapped, 0 if the user mapping is public. |`usename`| name| |Name of the local user to be mapped. |`umoptions`| text[]|| User mapping-specific options, as "keyword=value" strings.