# pg_default_acl The `pg_default_acl` system catalog table stores initial privileges to be assigned to newly created objects. Table 1. `pg_catalog.pg_default_acl` | Name | Type | References | Description | | ----------------- | ----------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `oid` | `oid` | `pg_authid.oid` | The object id | | `defaclrole` | `oid` | `pg_authid.oid` | The OID of the role associated with this entry | | `defaclnamespace` | `oid` | `pg_namespace.oid` | The OID of the namespace associated with this entry, or 0 if none | | `defaclobjtype` | `char` | | Type of object this entry is for: `r` = relation (table, view), `S` = sequence, `f` = function | | `defaclacl` | `aclitem[]` | | Access privileges that this type of object should have on creation | A pg_default_acl entry shows the initial privileges to be assigned to an object belonging to the indicated user. There are currently two types of entry: "global" entries with defaclnamespace = 0, and "per-schema" entries that reference a particular schema. pg_default_acl is only consulted during object creation.