# gp_distribution_policy The `gp_distribution_policy` table contains information about OushuDB tables and their policy for distributing table data across the segments. | column | type | references | description | |--------|------|------------|--| | `localoid` | oid | pg_class_internal.oid |The table object identifier (OID). | | `policytype` | char | | The table distribution policy: only p is valid for now - Partitioned policy. Table data is horizontally partitioned to severals buckets. | | `numsegments` | int | | Number of hash buckets used in creating a hash-distributed table or for external table intermediate processing. | | `distkey` | int2vector | pg_attribute.attnum | The column number(s) of the distribution column(s). | | `distclass` | oidvector | pg_opclass.oid | The operator class identifier(s) of the distribution column(s).|