# hudi_table_partitions

The function `hudi_table_partitions(in_reloid oid)` provides the information of hudi partition tables.

# Function返回值说明

| column                | type    | references | description              |
| :-------------------- | :------ | :--------- | :----------------------- |
| `partitionschamename` | text    |            | partition's schema name  |
| `partitiontablename`  | text    |            | partition's table name   |
| `partitionkey`        | text    |            | partition's keys         |
| `partitionname`       | text    |            | partition's value        |

# Function入参值说明

| args        | type    | description |
| :---------- | :------ | :---------- |
| `in_reloid` | oid     | table oid   |

# Function举例说明
db=# select * from  oushu_toolkit.hudi_table_partitions('public.tm'::regclass);
 partitionschamename | partitiontablename | partitionkey | partitionname 
 public              | tm                 | c1/c2        | 1069/1069
 public              | tm                 | c1/c2        | 3570/3570
 public              | tm                 | c1/c2        | 1966/1966
 public              | tm                 | c1/c2        | 2749/2749
 public              | tm                 | c1/c2        | 2603/2603
(5 rows)